
Potty Training

I guess the time has come. I have been telling myself...and Tegan that we would crack down on potty training after Christmas. I am dreading it and I am excited all at the same time. Our previous attempts have been horrific so I am hoping that this time is much more easier.
So now it is time for me to ask for any tips. Please give them to me. Any and all would be much appreciated. I am totally new to this and after reading many books and many websites I am still lost. Please help me out so we can make this a easy transition.


  1. All I can say is keep going with it! We've been working with Cole for over a month and he still hasn't quite got the hang of it yet. He's very good at going, he just can't quite get himself there BEFORE he starts to "leak." So we just remind him every hour. He's sick of it now, with me and my sister reminding him all the time, so now we work on bribing him. "You can have a piece of candy if you go" or "when you get back, we'll play that game you wanted to." It really helps. Also, whenever your husband is there, put him in charge of it! I understand that if you can have the boy have fun with it by standing up and having "target practice" at Cheerios or froot loops or even coloring the water blue so that it turns green when he pees, they like it more. We don't have daddy around right now to teach Cole how to stand, so he's stuck with boring sitting down potty training. Good luck!

  2. I'm going to send you an email about this.....so be on the lookout for it.


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