
Body...Stop Failing Me...Please!

Ever had the worst pain in your life...in your back?
To the point that you can barely move.
That is how I feel right now.
It is all due to 'trying' to move a snow blower through the over foot of snow that we woke up to yesterday.
I am not happy about it.
I am in pain and can't even try to enjoy the snow by building a snowman or snow angels with my little sidekick Tegan. Poor kid is looking at the window saying...."Please!".
Oh I feel so bad but I can't sleep, I can't sit, I can't stand, I can't walk.
Did I mention I also get to work tonight in the cold/rain/snow.
Doesn't it just sound wonderful?
Hopefully these hard drugs will work cause I really need to be functioning fully by tonight.
Body don't fail me know!

1 comment:

  1. Haha I know the feeling!! Last summer I went and played night games for hours and even played rambo?!! I don't know what I was thinking because I couldn't move for days. Literally. I wish I could have had a grown up excuse like using a snowblower..but noo..it was because I was acting like a child playing night games hahaha!


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