
Fertility Treatments

I can't help but worrying about what is in store for me. For us. As mentioned before I made a phone call. Made an appointment with a fertility specialist. I have tried everything from my regular obgyn 3 of them in fact. Then tried to tackle it naturally with tons of vitamins and supplements. I have tried changing my diet. Nothing has worked. In the journey I did find out that my testosterone levels are super high. Which totally makes sense. It is one of the symptoms of PCOS. In the past 12 months I have had a period a total of 4 times. Of course that doesn't help.

So now I am hoping to find some help at the fertility center. I am guessing that the first step would be artificial insemination or IUI. I am so thanful for insurance since it does cover half of the costs. But looking at numbers the price is still more than we can afford. So hopefully my faith will be strong enough.

So my question is: Has anyone done IUI or know anyone that has? What are your experiences?

I have heard a lot about IVF but not a lot about IUI so I am just curious.



  1. I don't know much about IUI. I'm SO glad to hear that your insurance actually helps pay for these things, though! I know that a lot of insurances will pay for the diagnosis, but not treatment. It's still SO expensive, but I'm glad to hear that you have some help at least. I really hope that the fertility center can help. My sister-in-law tried for 18 months to get pregnant with NO idea as to what was causing her infertility (since she was still having incredibly painful periods) and they were able to get answers in only two or three visits and a baby came soon after. I really hope you guys are as lucky, but I will most definitely be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. You're a fantastic mother and I hope you get the chance to share that gift with more kiddos. Good luck to you guys!

  2. I wish you the best of luck! I don't know much about either other than a few cousins have done the IFV (I think) and had success after a few tries one cousin even had twins wouldn't that be exciting for you! Love ya girl chin up! Best of luck keep me posted. If you ever need help with teg let me know!

  3. Naomi, I am so sorry for your troubles. I think it is wonderful that you are staying hopeful and full of faith.

    Both my sisters struggles with infertility for 5 years and both had different problems. One of them had great success with IUI.

    My other sister had high progesterone levels and like you only had like 2 periods a years. She had to go on meds to lower it and that seemed to do the trick.

    Hang in there!! Remember that the Lord knows you best and knows what you can handle. Your desires are righteous desires and you will be blessed.

  4. My really good friend did IUI and got pregnant with twins in the second round :) good luck!


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