
Whoa....What a relief!

Haha not really.
I guess the relief would be that I don't feel guilty taking cold medicine and Advil.
But it really isn't relief.
Some women would feel relieved to not have a period for 2 months.
I just feel anxious.
2 months?!
I took yet another HCG Quantitative test yesterday.
Which some may know it as a blood pregnancy test.
And for what it seems like the millionth time it was
I am not surprised.
Really I am not.
It still hurts though.
I just wish my brain, mind and my body would join together
work together.
But yet again I am disappointed.
Like I always do
I will pick myself up
And continue to go crazy
I hate Scheduling!
On a different note
I am sick
very sick
I feel like I have the flu
but it is not the flu.
David is the same.
I am starving
but not starving enough to make myself
something to eat.
I want some cookies
but too sick to make them.
Like I have said on many occasions...
Story of my LIFE!


  1. if i lived close i would bring you a whole plate of cookies. I really would, cuz I just made a batch! It was either that or make dinner. easy choice.

    I'll continue to pray for you. Hope your cold goes away soon too!

  2. I'm sooooo sorry, I know that doesn't help you feel any better though!! I even got my hopes up for you too!!! BUMMER, I wish I knew what to say and do to make you feel better!!! I think it's time for girls night to help you feel better!!! Sure love you


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