
New Years Resolutions

I have never took the time to write down my New Year's Resolutions. They always seem to be too personal that I never wanted to write them down for people to see. I have decided to do so no matter how personal they may be. It may give you an outlook on my life.

1. Lose Weight and Be Healthy- I have a weakness...it is food! I was really excited after I had Tegan because I lost my baby weight plus more. Didn't last long since I gained all of it back. I am not as overweight as I was before I got pregnant but still very much over weight.
I have chosen to take on running. Never thought I would ever do so. I have always hated running and hated my gym teachers through out all my school years that would make me run. After I have heard of my many friends that enjoy it I decided to give it a try. Today I got some very comfortable running shoes and a pedometer. A little too much than I wanted to spend, but hopefully it will make me feel guilty if I want to try quiting. I have found a running schedule online so I can start training for a 5k in May.
I have also started a "Facebook Biggest Loser Competition". I am super excited to start this adventure with my friends and acquaintances.

2. Take Charge of My Body- Kind of goes along with #1. I have been having many issues with my body health wise for years and I am now taking the steps to figure out what they are. I have been afraid of what the problem could be and what the steps would be to make it all better.

3. Care Less- Weird goal? I don't think so. I think I just care too much of what people think. I am always trying to please others to the point that I stress myself out. I don't necessarily care what people think I look like, but what people think of me as a person. I think I am a good person but would like people to think so too.

4. Be more organized- This does not come naturally to me. I don't enjoy it and trying to do it just stresses me out. I wish I was born with the genes to love it. My mom and sister are really organized...I am not. I find it difficult organizing my time and life as well as our small "cozy" apartment. I have been hoping to be able to afford a larger apartment in time for baby #2 (no not an announcement) but it is just not going to happen. I have been trying really hard the past few weeks to purchase organizing materials and so far I think I am doing a pretty good job.

5. Pay Off Debt- Every year we have plans to pay off some debt with our tax return. But every year something has come up that we were forced to use the tax return. And every year it has gone to vehicles. And this coming year is the case again. I know somehow we will be able to pay off something...I have hopes!

6. Get My Cosmetology License- Yes it has been over 4 years since I graduated. There are many reasons to why I don't have it. I passed my practical test with a surprisingly 98%. The written test I took 6 times each time I failed by just a few points. Spending $75 each time to retake the test was just too much and I decided to take a rest...didn't think it the rest would be 3 years long. I have been told that they have come out with an easier test that makes more sense so hopefully I have more luck this time around. And I have found a studying partner so hopefully that will help as well.

7. And Finally....Be a Better Blogger- I know I have slacked...and this is also due to #4. With me blogging here, and here (which I have also slacked on), recently spending my time doing this, being a mother to Tegan (sometimes by myself due to David working 2 jobs), and trying to be a wonderful wife, I have found myself very busy. And like I said I have a hard time organizing my time.

I have had many random feelings about random things lately so this is Post #1 to the many that are to come (along with long awaited posts of my little family).

Love you all and Happy New Year!


  1. great goals! i also need to make 1/2 those my resolutions...or maybe all of them :)

  2. Good luck on passing your test!

  3. I need to be better about making goals! You have inspired me...maybe I should put them on my blog so that more people know about them. Then maybe I would feel obligated to follow through!
    p.s. I really want to run that 5k with you...I'm going to start running soon...really I am...


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