
Diaper Woes

Last night Tegan went to bed at 8:30pm. Yes I was very excited since the night before he didn't go to bed till 11:30pm and was still up most of the night due to his 2 year old molars coming in. I went to check on him before I went to bed (which was 12:30, way too late) and found Tegan on the floor right in front of his door with his pillow and blankets. Looked further down and he unzipped his footsie pj's, unbuttoned his onezie and had taken off his diaper. Who knows how long he slept like that. This particular night I didn't think it was important to safety pin his pj's closed since it has been awhile since he even tried to un-do them. Bad judgment on my part....YES! So I very carefully put his diaper on and while doing so noticed that he got his pj's wet. Oh yay! So I had to completely change his clothes which of course woke him up. After getting him dressed I put him in bed, again not thinking about safety pinning his pj's closed. Luckily the little monster layed down in bed and went right to sleep.

Fast Forward till morning
David was in the shower getting ready for work, me still asleep. I then hear David telling Tegan to "Go see mom!" Tegan loves taking showers with Daddy and since he starting doing this thinks he can shower with Daddy (and mommy, UGH!) everytime. Well I heard the commotion and went to get Tegan to put him in bed with me. I pick him up and notice that he was soaked....again. Of course when waking up he took off his diaper without taking off his pj's completely, which I didn't notice through my very tired and sleepy eyes. Very angrily I took Tegan to his room to change him, as I noticed that there was a wet spot on the floor...then another...and another. I then decided to give him a bath as I noticed more and more wet spots. I then felt like I had a dog as I cleaned up all the pee spots all over the floor.

Fast Forward to naptime.
1 o'clock comes around and Tegan is very tired due to him waking up at 7 am. I rock him till he is almost asleep so I don't have to hear his piercing screams. Put him to bed and to no avail starts screaming. I leave him in his room to him screaming and lock the door behind me (luckily the lock is on the outside. Thanks to whoever made that mistake). I then attempt to catch up on my daily emails when I hear the ripping of velcro...great not again. I go into his room put his diaper back on as well as his pants. I go back to the computer. Tegan finally goes to sleep. YAY! Soon there after I choose to check on him Good thing!, I then again find that Tegan is asleep on the floor with his diaper off. Are you kidding me!? I then put his clothes back on as he wakes, again. But this time I put his diaper on backwards in hopes that he can not take it off this time. I wish I knew where the duct tape was because that could really come in handy. I am sitting here at the computer hoping that he didn't not figure out how to take off his diaper and wish that he would go back to sleep because he is a very tired boy.
I have decided now that I got his Potty Scotty in the mail today I will be going to the store (when David gets home of course, I don't take Tegan with me anymore) and getting stickers and candy and a toy. I will be potty training him very soon....Maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. so sorry to hear all about those woes! can't wait for my turn ;) i've also heard of putting the pj's on backwards so then they can't reach the zipper....might be worth a try. good luck!!! i'll start saving my pull-ups coupons for you too.


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