
Where have we been...

We have been crazy busy lately. We still don't have a camera. It is supposed to be getting fixed by some guy and we have yet to hear any progress. We may be saving for a new camera...Anywho I will post some pics that I have taken on my moms camera soon.
Tegan is now crawling! I can't believe he is so grown up. We are in the process of baby-proofing the house. Each day he gets into something new and then we have to put it up. He loves exploring and eating whatever he can find. We have yet to find a food that he does not like. He is always laughing and smiling. We enjoy making him laugh and boy does he have one. It is the cutest sound I have ever heard.
I have started my own business selling Lia Sophia. I had my starter show last week and made over $1000 in sales and so I got $400 in free jewelry. I am so excited for this new adventure. Most of you may have gotten a call from me already me asking if you would like to host a show...if not it may be coming. I can use all the support that I can get. As it will take me awhile to get this started you hosting a party will help me get more bookings resulting in sales. I am thankful for all the support that everyone has given me in already booking shows. If I have not asked you yet and you would like to host a show let me know and I will be more than happy to throw a party for you. And what could be better than earning free jewelry? I'm not sure....
David is busy working. He applied for a lead position at work and unfortunatly did not get it. We are hoping that with this new business we can save enough money so he can go back to school. I am keeping him busy with things that I ask him to do and he is a big help. I promise I will get some pics on here soon since that is mostly what everyone is waiting for anyways. Love you all and hope everyone is doing well.
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