
Just a little bragging…

It is just so wonderful to have a potty trained child. Especially since it took over 8 months to accomplish the task. I knew he could do it but fighting with a stubborn child won’t get you anywhere and it didn’t. Finally it clicked with him. Who knew that my very clean child didn’t like cleaning the poop out of his underwear. I was thinking that we would wait awhile to get started on night training. I just didn’t think he could do it since he sleeps so soundly. Well the past week his pullups have been dry every night so we took the plunge and let him sleep in his underwear. I woke him up before I went to bed and had him go to the bathroom and he was completely dry this morn. Oh what a relief! I know that I am not fully out of the ballpark and that he will still have accidents from time to time. But not having to clean up a mess every day multiple times per day is fantastic!

Tegan being potty trained proves to me that he is growing up. Much too fast. I don’t like it one bit.

1 comment:

  1. Potty training is so consuming and challenging. I am so happy that Tegan is doing so well. My first son, Ben, was as stubborn as they come. It was going to be on his time and no one else. Sounds like Ben and Tegan are a lot alike. It is so rewarding when they take the leap and go for it. Way to go Mom!!


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