I decided to not post the rest of the days. Why? Because they were terrible. He took like 5 steps back and had tons of accidents. Plus I was so tired at the end of the day that I had no desire to post. Well now it is going much better.
I think it all started on Sunday during nursery. I went in after Sunday School to take Tegan potty. The teacher (who was totally new to Tegan) said that he had gone awhile ago all by himself. What? He has never done that much less in a new place. I then asked him if he needed to go and he went right in and really did do it all by himself. I couldn't have been more proud. The past couple of days have been great! Except on Monday for some odd reason instead of going in the potty he decided to pick up a towel from the pile that I was folding and decided to pee in that. Huh? I told him to stop and hurry to the bathroom. Which he did but stopped and finished. It really was hilarious cause I have no clue where he came up with that.
I haven't had to remind him to go potty for 2 days now and it has been great! Except he still can't get #2 down. It is getting really frustrating. But I do have to remember that he has already taken some big steps and is doing so good. Anyone have some tips? I don't think there really is anything. But it's worth a try.
I am so glad that I didn't have to work for about a week so we could get ahead on this. I am really starting to not like work. It's not that I don't like my job (which I really don't but the people make it a little more bearable) I am just tired of having to work. I don't know how you working mom's do it. It is so tiring to make sure I have a sitter for Tegan. Plus I don't have a life anymore. I rarely get to see my husband. It is quite sad. Hopefully soon I will have a reason to quit. We either need to pay off David's car fast or get prego. After a year of trying I think it is time body to take the lunge and join everyone else. Maybe peer pressure will work. Everyone else is doing it why not me? Oh yea cause my body sucks!
***Christmas Pics are coming soon***