
LeeLou Blogs

Ever since I changed my background using LeeLou blog formats everything has screwed up. The main problem is that I can not get a picture to fit behind the title. Can anyone help me....I am so frustrated!


Cool Site

I heard about this site from Fabulessly Frugal. It is called The Mediocre Mom's Guide. They are doing a give away check them out.



Tegan finally said Daddy! He was having a lot of fun with it yesterday. He kept pointing at David yelling "Daddy"! It was hilarious! He just kept doing it as well when he went to Costco. He kept saying "Mom" and "Daddy" It was so stinking adorable! I am so glad he says it now makes things a lot easier. Tegan also signs a lot since he refuses to talk. He signs more, please, eat/food, thank you, and book.



Thats it I am going PRIVATE. When some random person can send me an email I think that is the last straw! How they got my email address is new to me. If anyone has tips on how to go private and how to add more than 100 emails please let me know. This world is too scary to take any chances any more. I am still so baffled! I need all your addresses asap so I can make the switch. Please do so via email or facebook since I do not trust my email to be out in the open. Thanx!

**Promise pics are coming soon. Still trying to figure out our computer**



I recently found this blog thanks to a friend. My craft list has become much longer. I wish I had a craft room!


Why you don't send a man to the store...

Gotta watch this video. It reminds me too much of David! I have sent him to the store a few time with coupons and this is so similar to my story! Sorry kinda long but totally worth it!
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