
Staying in Business Sale

I decided to give those an incentive that decide to order. If you contact me with an order by Saturday, March 28th, not only can you take advantage of this months special which is: buy 2 at regular price (lowest priced item) buy 1 at half and buy 3 earrings at half price....I will also take an additional $15 off your order just for supporting me. You are welcome to combine orders with a friend. You can contact me via facebook or email naomipatt@gmail.com

I may have to say goodbye to...

...Lia Sophia! I have not been able to book parties or get enough parties needed to stay active. I need $250 in orders by the 29th. If anyone is willing to help me stay afloat I would totally appreciate it. If I do get $250 in orders I will do a mystery hostess party and give away the hostess benefits. If you want some free jewelry and don't want to put the effort to have a party this is a great way to do it. If you would like to check out the jewelry click here. As I may not be active by the end of the month my wesite may expire on the 31st. I can still do parties if I am not active it will just take a little longer to get the orders in since I would have to do it by fax or mail. Thanx to all the few people that have tried to help me succeed!



I'm not sure if there is anyone who actually responded to my "gift" post. If you did repost it please let me know and mail me your address via facebook or one here if you prefer.


My cousin is famous!

If all haven't heard of the story....My cousin's bf proposed by putting her engagement ring in her Wendy's frosty. She ate it of course. They live in NM and have been on the news here in Ut and have been on the Today show twice, many other radio shows and talk shows, and are in LA for another. Check out the whole story here

P.S. Check out my previous post!
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